Thursday, November 28, 2019

Everything about Business Myths No.2: “We don’t have time; we have to work 24/7”

Everything about Business Myths No.2: “We don’t have time; we have to work 24/7”

there are myths built up around starting a business that simply aren't true,Small Business Myths You Should Avoid, Biggest Small Business Myths, Entrepreneurs Have to Work 24/7, Everything about Business Myths No.2: “We don’t have time; we have to work 27/7”, How Many Hours Should Entrepreneurs Work Per Week?, Success only comes from working 24/7,  It's a job 24-7,Office, Business, Colleagues, Meeting, Computers

I think, generally, we all know people who are in business professionals are always busy and sometimes you can observe that they often mention in their communication that, “I don’t have time” or “we need to work 24/7”. Yes, this is a common myth that in order to achieve success you need to work 24/7, right?

Nowadays there is a big difference in “Hard Work” and “Smart Hard Work”. Working constantly for seven days a week will not make you successful, you need to take lot of effort with focus mindset consistently for a long time to achieve the desired result. You may feel that all whatever you doing are productive towards business, but it doesn’t mean your day is actually productive. You need to analysis yourself when to step back when required and when to go ahead.

Working hard doesn’t mean you stop caring about you, your family, and your mental and physical health. You have to also understand the capacity of your body and what body is asking from you. If you keep your diet and 7-8 hours of sleep proper then you may not fall in uninvited problems of health and happiness.

Apart from that, as a business owner, you have to make time for yourself before your customers, clients, and employees. You will think that, in such hectic working day how you will find yourself free time? Scheduling is one of the biggest keys to all problems. If you properly channelized the for sure you will find time relaxation for yourself and personal space, but the best practices people are following is to do 8 hours of work in rest of the time give time to your complete sleep, spend with family, friends, have good food, do mediation this all will help you to improve yourself more.

There are famous quotes “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune” by Jim Rohn. So, being organized in your life will always lead you to a peaceful life, will decrease the feeling of anxiety and depression also prevents you from the state of overwhelmed.  The conclusion is keeping yourself healthy and fit so that you can explore more opportunities with focus mindset and smart hard work. So, never thin that doing business means you need to do 24/7 hours of work every day.  You will never know what life has planned for you and how your fate will change. So, keep faith and trust in your hard work but not on the time that you have to spend. Sometimes people say “I worked all day but I didn’t get result” so this kind of situation also should not happen.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Do’s and Don’ts No. 1: Leadership

Do’s and Don’ts No. 1: Leadership

Leadership Do's and Don'ts,The Do's & Don'ts of a Good Leader,Do's and Don'ts Every Good Leader,Do’s and Don’ts No. 1: Leadership,Identity, Self, Authentic, Self-Actualization

As you the organization become successful because of the teamwork of employee and the management people and if we don’t perform proper coordination between management and the employee the this will lead to failure that’s why people many big people are saying good leadership is a foundation of any successful business. 

You have to make sure that giving very helpful leadership to your employee or team members and an organization it’s very important to manage your employees or team members with all respect they deserve and other understanding which will help them to work with more enthusiasm and focus. If you are looking for some improvements here are a few dos and don’ts of leadership.

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Do: Always Lead your Team Members by an Example

We always follow what our management asked. So, if the leader itself is following all rules and regulations and other all principles of work ethics then this an example for the rest of the employees and other team members. So, that they can realize if our management is taking so much effort for us then we should join them.

Leadership Do's and Don'ts,The Do's & Don'ts of a Good Leader,Do's and Don'ts Every Good Leader,Do’s and Don’ts No. 1: Leadership,Motivation, Strategy, Arrows, Building, Startup, Start

Don’t: Ignoring the Feelings of Your Employees or Team Members

As a business leader you don’t think always emotionally you kept emotions outside while doing business. If you think emotionally about your team members or if you listen to their requirements and try to fulfill it with respect to real need which helpful for management and employee then this will be a great achievement for you as a leader. They will keep trust and faith in you as a leader. You may experience that your all team members and employee will stay with you in the long run.

Do: Communicate Properly

As everyone knows and everyone might have experienced that fights and quarrels happen in the organization is because of misunderstanding and miscommunication between two or more people against some things. If you are communicating properly with your team members in a professional way then you can avoid a lot of chances of quarrels. Please don’t be arrogant, don’t show attitude, don’t drag and other subjects if not required. This will help you a lot in your business journey.

Don’t: Please Don’t Blame your Employees or Team Members for Mistakes

Doing mistakes is okay and it’s normal. We all are humans and we do mistakes. In most organizations management blames employees or team members for the company’s loss keep one thing in mind always it’s not a mistake of employee. If we overcome the problem of communication and understanding then you may try to avoid this situation.

Do: Stay Always Positive

Sometimes it’s very difficult to manage face challenges that have occurred in the process of developing the business and management feel like to give up and saying the negative statements to team members this will not work. This will create another problem that employees may think that we should stay with this company or search for others this might be the possibility.

Don’t: You should not take the team’s credit for your successes

Always remember behind every successful work there are team efforts and hard work. Please always appreciate and give them the credit they deserve. This will bring the respect towards the management.

Leadership Do's and Don'ts,The Do's & Don'ts of a Good Leader,Do's and Don'ts Every Good Leader,Do’s and Don’ts No. 1: Leadership,Leadership, Line, Executive, Team Leader, Guide, Lead

Do: Take Projects in which all team members can do it properly.

Sometimes management starts taking projects which the team members are not skilled in that particular area and then management will put pressure on them to complete it on time. then more mistakes will happen….and in the end the productivity of a day will get lost. So you may not get the desired profit out of it and no one gets a feeling of failure.

Don’t: Never Ever Isolate your  Team   

It’s very importing to work in a very interactive environment in organizations. In some companies, some employee doesn’t know the name of owner or doesn’t know the management people. This should not happen. This is not good for your organization. Management should take care of each and every person in the organization.

Wants Read More on Leadership Click Here

Monday, November 4, 2019

Lessons Learned in Business No. 1: You are in the dual situation to quit the business or not to quit or to change the structure which is okay and normal.

Lessons Learned in Business No. 1: You are in the dual situation to quit the business or not to quit or to change the structure which is okay and normal.

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The business field is a very big sector. In this field, you will find yourself always learning some new things on a daily basis regardless of whether your business is startup or older.

While in the process of establishing the business you may face a lot of challenges on the road to setting up a business in order to make a constant and certain amount of income every month.  In order to see this, in reality, you need to have patience, a focused mindset, and consistent hard work.

Throughout your business journey, it’s not easy to have patience, a focused mindset, and consistent hard work continuously. After some months or one year you may find that, your business not making the money up to the mark, you are not getting the proper margins, you may feel like you are not taking efforts that are needed, you may find yourself in the position of directionless like from where to start the business or work to generate money.

Such situations not necessary will face by only startups but also well-established companies also can face. So, the worst feeling is you may find yourself in the state where you feel like quit the business or not to quit or to change the structure. This is a very normal stage of yours so don’t worry these situations are faced by many business people.

This is very critical situation for business as well as for you as a business owner, because till now you might remove the overheads,  some of the extra employees, you might cut down some operational activity of your business which you find that less important, but you may forget one thing while ding that you may lose your productivity towards work. In such situations business, the owner can become lone survivors and manage the business all alone, also you will find the proper people for your business management because they are with you in this situation with all trust and faith.

We all know it’s very difficult to manage, but keep faith and trust in yourself and the vision that you saw for your company in the future and don’t give up. You might be knowing the universal law of attraction which says, “When you truly want something and go after it without limiting yourself with disbelief, the universe will make it happen.”  The main conclusion is don’t regret your decisions.  If I would have kept more patience, did more hard work then I would have become a successful business person or I would have run the organization successfully.  So, don’t give up. Don’t take such decisions that you may regret in the future.  Keep trust and faith in yourself and your hard work. Never ever think negative in such situation. Don’t think that you are a failure.  This is a normal, stay calmed and do your work with belief. 

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