Pubs, Bars, Lounge are Really Rising Faster than Cafes in India

You can see drastic growth of pubs, bars and lounge
are opened in throughout India especially Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune and
Hyderabad states from past years. Also you can observe the growth of Food &
Beverage industry
nowadays and the growth of local cafes or other common cafes is now stopped.
For this situation to occur in the today’s market
there might be several reasons like one is the young youth of this country is
now more attracted to western culture in order to become developed country and
other is the working structure of upcoming, existing BPO & IT sector
industries and their ideas toward enjoying life, but it’s individual choice how
to live life.
You, yourself can make out that, these pubs, bars,
lounge now become the common and cool hangout place for all categories like
cheap, middle class and higher class people. Also, for business people or they
want to entertain the international client. The main reason is the people who
come to such places always mind their own business. Also, another factor is some
of IT & BPO working sector people
spend their money and time in pubs, bars, and liquor serving lounge after
office hours for the reason of relaxation, also the coffee is replaced by beer,
alcoholic beverage, and other liquor
options even if they cost high with enjoying
dance & music nowadays!

This Food & Beverage industry is also
changing with time and latest trends, with respect to these current trends,
people also like the places where food, as well as the liquor option, is also
available. This concept of bar is now increasing like anything, all the restaurants
are now converted to the structure call Pub and Lounge.
This overall implies to one kind of experiencing or
enjoying the nightlife. Mostly
from age group 18-40 people are attracted to this concept. Through this concept
this business of beers and other liquor brands are now increased in India.
Studies found that in India per person consumes 1.5 liters to the average of
the world’s consumption of 22 liter. Also, as compared to cafes, the growth of
pubs, bars, and Lounges are increased 23 percent.
- By PuiSSance We Team.
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